Bioidentical Hormone Therapy for Women in Atlanta, GA
Get Help Dealing with Feminine Hormonal Issues with Our Cutting-Edge Bioidentical Hormone Therapy
The human body is made up of millions of cells. These cells group together to form systems that control various bodily functions. So, to make everything work in harmony within these systems, we have hormones.
Most functions are controlled by these hormones, which range from appetite and digestion to mood, hair growth, and sexual drive. Your body works hard to keep your hormone levels balanced for optimal health and wellness.
However, this does not always work; many women’s hormone levels drop or fluctuate significantly as early as their thirties. When this happens, you begin to experience unpleasant symptoms such as flare-ups or night sweats, as well as moodiness, weight gain, and even anxiety.
The good news is that bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can help you balance these unstable hormones, alleviate symptoms, and reclaim your life.