Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy for Men

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy for Men in Atlanta, GA

Restore Your Energy, Muscle Mass, Libido, and More with Hormone Therapy for Men

From the age of 35, men will gradually lose energy, libido, muscle mass, and overall strength. This trend will continue through your 40s, picking up speed in your fifth and sixth decades. It is natural for every man and not difficult to miss because the physical and mental signs are quite obvious, if not depressing at times.

Andropause, also known as “male menopause,” is a stage of a man’s life that is triggered by a decrease in testosterone production. Fortunately, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can be used to treat this condition.

Meridian Health & Wellness Atlanta is here for you if you live in Atlanta, GA, and believe you may have a testosterone deficiency or imbalance. Our experts will assess your testosterone levels and recommend the best bioidentical hormone replacement therapy option for you.

What Is Hormone Replacement Therapy for Men?

Women suffer from hormonal imbalance as a result of the aging process, but men also suffer from hormonal imbalance, which is characterized by decreased testosterone levels. When this occurs, a specific hormone combination can be administered to relieve the associated symptoms and correct the hormone imbalance.

Low testosterone levels in men can be effectively treated with hormone or testosterone replacement therapy. There are several testosterone replacement therapy methods available, but bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) is the most natural and appropriate.

Bioidentical hormone therapy is a hormone replacement therapy that treats you with only bioidentical hormones. Synthetic hormones manufactured by pharmaceutical companies are used in conventional replacement therapy. This synthetic testosterone differs from human testosterone.

In the case of bioidentical hormone replacement, your doctor will administer bioidentical testosterone derived from plants that have the same chemical structure as human testosterone molecules.

When Is Bioidentical Hormone Therapy Most Beneficial?

When you act quickly, immediately after you notice a drop in testosterone production, bioidentical hormone replacement or bioidentical hormone therapy is most beneficial. You should pay attention to how you feel, especially in middle age, because symptoms are easy to dismiss.

The Signs of When Your Testosterone Levels Drop

You can tell that you have testosterone deficiency and need testosterone therapy if you exhibit symptoms such as:

  • Weight gain
  • Reduced bone density 
  • Hot flashes
  • Mood swings
  • Reduced sexual function
  • Fatigue
  • Troubled sleep
  • Irritability
  • Depression
  • Memory loss
  • Urinary issues

Are you showing any of these symptoms? We can help. Schedule a free consultation with Meridian Health & Wellness Atlanta to discuss your hormone therapy options. 

Testosterone therapy can also help men with hypogonadism, a testicular dysfunction that prevents the male body from producing enough testosterone, resulting in abnormally low levels.

What are Male BHRT Pellets?

BHRT pellets are bioidentical hormone-containing male hormone treatments. The pellets are of high quality and are tailored to your specific needs in order to restore testosterone in your system.

When you visit our Atlanta, GA, office, your doctor will place these pellets subcutaneously in your upper buttocks. Within two to four weeks of the pellet insertion or hormone therapy, you should notice a reduction in symptoms.

The Benefits of Our Bioidentical Hormone Therapy for Men

Men who have used bioidentical hormone therapy to correct their hormone levels report many health benefits. These include: 

  • Better bone density because testosterone works
    with vitamin D and calcium to fortify your bones.
  • Elevated energy levels
  • Improved mood
  • Increased muscle mass
  • Improved brain function
  • Enhanced sexual performance

Do you want these and more benefits to improve your overall health? Come to Meridian Health & Wellness in Atlanta, GA. 

How Does Our Hormone Therapy for Men's Process Work?

Ready to address your low testosterone issue with bioidentical hormones? Here is a walkthrough of our process. 

Initial Consultation

The first step is to make an appointment with us at our Atlanta, GA, office. Your assigned doctor will ask about your medical history and symptoms during this session in order to understand your initial condition.

If you have low testosterone and are at risk of a downward spiral, your doctor will most likely recommend bioidentical treatment. To begin with, they will take a small sample of your blood to run tests on.

The initial consultation will last 45 minutes. 

First Follow-up Appointment

A week or a fortnight after our initial consultation, your doctor or one of our staff will call you to arrange the first follow-up appointment. 

During this session, the doctor will review your test results and offer tips for managing any present symptoms. Most importantly, your doctor will order your custom medications. 

This session lasts about 30 minutes.

Second Follow-up Appointment

After ten weeks, you will have a second follow-up appointment with us. This time, we will assess your progress with the customized prescription. Repeat blood tests might be necessary to check on specific hormones that were low during the preliminary tests. 

If you need to modify your medication, your doctor will do it at this point. 

This session lasts about 30 minutes.

Regular Reviews

6–12 months after our initial consultation, we advise that you check in with us for a review of your symptoms and prescription. It is a requirement that we review your progress if we are to keep giving you prescriptions. 

During each review, no-repeat blood tests are necessary if you have no issues with the current treatment. 

We will analyze the results if there are any issues and make necessary changes to your prescription based on those. 

Need Hormone Therapy for Men in Atlanta, GA? Make an Appointment with Meridian Health & Wellness

If you are a male with a hormonal imbalance, the quality of your life will undoubtedly take a nosedive. Luckily, you can access affordable hormone therapy to correct your testosterone imbalance and get back to your best self. Whenever you are ready to get started with your replacement therapy, Meridian Health & Wellness Atlanta is your best bet. 

Call us at 470-344-5780 to schedule your appointment!